

Specifications are based on dry matter test results.

Actual nutritional values may vary with seasonality and variety of faba bean stock.

The information described above is offered solely for your consideration, investigation, and independent verification.

Information provided is indicative of typical contents, typical performance, and typical application.

This information is presented in good faith and believed to be correct at the time it was prepared.

No responsibilities or warranties as to the completeness of this information can be taken.

This information is supplied upon the condition that the persons receiving it will make their own determination as to its suitability for their purposes prior to use.

It is strongly recommended to consult and apply all national food legislation prior to any communication to consumers.

This information does not contain any warranty that the supply or the use of the products is not an infringement of the rights of third parties in industrial or intellectual property.

It can also not be regarded as an encouragement to use our products in violation of existing patents or legal provisions in the matter of food stuffs.

An Australian grown and produced native alternative option to imported isolates, concentrates, flours and powders may not mean we are a direct replacement for these products.

Via custom blending and careful formulation, our ingredient products can successfully fulfill many application requirements.

The labelling, substantiation and decision making of all claims for your products is your responsibility.

We recommend you consult regulatory and legal advisors familiar with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations prior to making labelling and claims decisions.

Traces of wheat, barley and gluten may be present.

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